Exhibitors & Sponsors
Your investment, School Resource Officers & DARE Officers commitment = Safer Ohio Schools.
Thank you for considering sponsorship for the 2025 OHIO SRO & DARE Conference. All sponsorships go towards covering Conference expenses and keeping the conference registration fees reasonable. Lower registration fees allow more school-based law enforcement officers to attend, receive valuable training resulting in safer school communities.
Each sponsor/exhibitor tier is listed below. Some sponsors are not exhibitors, but still receive recognition for their support.
Exhibitor level may use the Payment Center Credit Card option. All others may complete the registration and either mail a check or request an invoice. Mailing and contact information is below.
All sponsorships, advertisements and logos are due by June 2, 2025, to be listed within the guidelines of the conference. OSROA reserves the right to change the size to properly fit within conference ad space. All print in the conference program is black and white only.

Standard Exhibitor Set: 6-ft skirted table, identification sign, name on conference easel, two (2) chairs, coffee & water station(s) access, and up to (2) lunches.
OSROA Mailing Address: Ohio School Resource Officers Association
6277 Riverside Drive – Suite 1 South
Dublin, Ohio 43017
Any questions, please email Mike McCaskey at mike.mccaskey@osroa.org
OSROA reviews each sponsor and defines what constitutes an acceptable or unacceptable donation/exhibitor. OSROA mission is safer schools and therefore will only accept those sponsors that align with that mission. OSROA also reserves the right to remove any ad or logo of a sponsor that is found in conflict with OSROA mission and goals at any time without cause being proved or required.
To be a 2025 OSROA/ DARE Annual Conference Exhibitor or Sponsor, please click on the button below and complete the registration form.