Possible areas of funding for School Resource Officers (August 2019)
The cost of an SRO is based on the months school is in session, usually ten months out of the year. There are typically three ways a SROs cost is paid. Approximately 24.5% of the time, the entire cost is paid by the school district by reimbursement to the law enforcement (LE) agency. 17.3% of the time the LE agency covers all the SRO cost. The majority of SRO programs, around 58.2%, splits the cost between the LE agency and the school district. The calculated average of that split is 42% paid by LE and 57% paid by the school district with the most common split 50% / 50%. Both entities have a stake in keeping their community schools safe and usually will share the cost of a sworn police officer/deputy in their school. A 2018 survey was conducted regarding the SRO cost split between LE and school districts. Please email if you would like a copy.
Ohio Attorney General’s Drug Use Prevention Grant–
Offered on an annual basis by the Ohio Attorney General. The Ohio AG’s Office is empowered to administer a drug abuse resistance grant program funded through license reinstatement fees and the sale of impounded vehicles. Ohio Revised Code Section 4511.191, (L)(2)(e). Applicant Eligibility: Agencies with school resources officers and/or D.A.R.E. officers who instruct qualifying drug use prevention programs (important qualifier) in Ohio’s schools are eligible to apply for the funds. **Eligibility guidelines change so always check the AG’s website for the most updated information. The application period is typically March or April each year: Andrea Tawney, Grant Manager 614-466-4166
U.S. Department of Justice’s Community Oriented Policing Program (COPS)
COPS awards millions of dollars every year to help community policing keep America safe. SRO programs are included. This grant had been on hold but as of July 2019 the Ninth Circuit’s decision to reverse the injunction has taken effect, and the COPS office is prepared to launch the COPS Hiring Program (CHP) as soon as possible. Please visit the COPS website at for information about this grant. You can also contact the COPS Office Response Center at 800.421.6770 or by email
Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG)
Proposed to streamline justice funding and grant administration, the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG) allows states, tribes, and local governments to support a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime based on their own local needs and conditions. SRO programs have applied for and received this grant funding. The application typically opens May 1 each year. This grant application takes time and effort to complete so please start early.
Asset Forfeiture Monies– Check with your department regarding its use of asset forfeiture funds as described in ORC SECTION 2981.13. Check into the availability of this funding source if, as an SRO, you conduct programs to educate adults or children in the dangers of drug misuse or abuse and these monies are available in your county/department. Please read the ORC link below, particularly paragraph D. Check for the most recent Federal Grants available.
Parent Teacher Organizations: OSROA is hearing of an increasing number of school districts Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO) assisting with the cost of their SRO Program. The assistance has varied from paying for SROs Conference and/or other school-based law enforcement training registration fees to donating thousands towards the cost (salary) of the SRO.
If you know of an avenue of SRO funding that is not listed here please contact the Ohio School Resource Officers Association at Thank you.